Real-tIme on-site forenSic tracE qualificatioN
Real-tIme on-site forenSic tracE qualificatioN
Progetto RISEN - Real-tIme on-site forenSic tracE qualificatioN

Work Packages

Work Packages scheme

WP1 Project management

WP2 - State of the art of forensic trace qualification, requirements and gaps

The objectives of this WP are to gather user requirements for in-situ crime scene investigation that are necessary for:

  • Definition of scenarios;
  • Forensic trace qualification with the focus on chemical and biological traces;
  • Analysis of state of the art;
  • Technical and functional challenges;
  • Operational aspects;
  • Identification of gaps;
  • RISEN system design.

WP3 - Trace qualification: From laboratory to crime scene

The objectives of this work package are:

  • To study the forensic traces selected as target within RISEN and to evaluate the state of the art of the analysis and forensic interpretation of the selected target traces in the laboratories;
  • To study standard reference materials (SRMs) to be used to test and validate each sensor of the RISEN system;
  • To provide or to allow availability of test materials for training and trials;
  • To develop testing methods and a validation plan for each analytical sensor for the evaluation of the performance level during the analysis of the selected traces;

to allow test, training a trial (TTT) of the performances of the overall RISEN network of sensors and perform its independent assessment.

WP4 - Hardware and software specification definition

The objectives of this work package are:

  • Definition of the RISEN system architecture specification (hardware and software), including the sensor acquisition component, based on requirements from WP2;
  • Identification and specification of all sensor interfaces.

Define the sensor API specifications, allowing the modular interconnection of sensors in RISEN.

WP5 - Sensor development and laboratory testing

The aim of this WP is the development of the RISEN sensors. This WP will get input from WP2 and WP4, where operational requirements and technical specifications will be respectively defined, and WP3 provides general guidelines for the design and implementation of methods/testing schemes to apply with the developed forensic tools during laboratory tests and field trials. Laboratory tests will be used to provide a first indication about sensor performances, which will be further explored during the validation steps (WP7) and trials (WP8).

WP6 - 3DA-CSI system development

This WP deals with the development of the components dealing with the 3D reconstruction/presentation and augmented reality; gathering and fusion of data from the various sensors (developed in WP5) and interfaces with LEA databases and cross-border exchanges. This WP follows the user requirements defined in WP2 and the Hardware and Software architecture defined in WP4. The components developed in this WP will be delivered for integration, testing and validation in WP7.

WP7 - RISEN system validation

With the objective of having the final combined RISEN system ready for the trials, this WP includes all necessary steps for the validation of the different RISEN components defined and developed in WP4, WP5 and WP6, integrated in this WP, and to ensure crime scene investigations according to the technical and operational requirements set by end users activities and deliverables (WP2). The RISEN system will meet the available standards and regulations monitored in WP9 in order to provide a new approach to crime scene investigation that is in agreement with methodologies and best practices existing at EU level and within EU member states. The RISEN system will meet the legal, ethical and societal aspects (WP10). The validation will consider aspects related to hardware of the different elements, communication protocols, security layers, information data transfer, fusion and integration, and overall system effectiveness for trials (SET).

WP8 - Training and trials for LEAs

The main objectives of this work package are:

  • To improve and adapt existing training methods and operating procedures, and to implement the 3D scene reconstruction component to the new RISEN system including data sharing procedures in the context of cross-border investigations;
  • To enable novel and improved investigation procedures and techniques resulting from utilising RISEN sensors and 3D reconstruction capabilities that create an immersive realistic environment for investigators;
  • To distribute an internal handbook for practitioners about the RISEN concept to use for training and trials;
  • To perform the RISEN system independent validation and system effectiveness for trials (SET) evaluation;
  • To organize and execute training and trials;
  • To perform forensic investigation using Standard Reference Materials /SRMs) to be able to compare the performance of the forensic tools and to use real traces after post blast.

WP9 – Standardisation

The work package related to Standardisation and regulation will focus on identifying priority areas for new standardisation and regulations. The work will be supported with requirements and gaps from WP2. Standardization is necessary for the new analytical approach and for the sharing of data among laboratories, and for determining frequencies of corresponding specimens in available databases. The importance of standardization increased with expanded expectations for trace interpretations.

WP10 - Legal, ethical and societal aspects

The focus of WP10 is the apprehension and monitoring of the legal and ethical EU directives that set the frame of operations and technologies deployed for forensic investigations. Early detection and warning of possible transgressing of the legal and ethical boundaries will be communicated to the consortium in order to mitigate and identify alternatives that take into account societal acceptance and impact. The developed and emerging physical and digital tools assisting the near-future capability of forensic investigations (for example 3D reconstruction, portable detection and marking technologies) will be evaluated and thoroughly assessed to ensure public acceptance and ethical consideration, throughout the whole project time. Great and dedicated effort will ensure that handling and management of data produced in RISEN, conform with the chain of custody principles. Legal and ethical risk assessment will fortify the research and raise awareness of any breach of human rights of individuals or categories of individuals as defined in the EU frame. Particular attention will be devoted to ethical aspects during training and pilots/trials and will ensure appropriate treatment of all participants and volunteers ensuring informed consent.

WP11 - Dissemination, cost-effectiveness assessment and exploitation

The objectives of this WP are to:

  • Ensure a top-quality standard for all dissemination activities planned in RISEN addressing the stakeholders considered critical (e.g. LEAs, forensic end-users, European Commission, public authorities, public);
  • Promote the identity of the RISEN project and create and manage the project’s website;
  • Monitor the engagement, response and uptake (impact) of performed RISEN dissemination, communication and exploitation activities;
  • Perform cost-effectiveness assessments associated with the procurement, implementation and operational use of the sensor systems, using two scenarios and selected sensor systems;
  • Implement sustainable exploitation activities for the user adoption of the RISEN system.
The European Commission's Cordis website

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 883116.

For administrative and contractual information visit the European Commission's Cordis website.
