Real-tIme on-site forenSic tracE qualificatioN
Real-tIme on-site forenSic tracE qualificatioN
Progetto RISEN - Real-tIme on-site forenSic tracE qualificatioN

1st RISEN Workshop

 (9-10 September 2020, Videoconference)

The first RISEN workshop will be open to only the RISEN Partners and the Law Enforcement Agencies that are members of the Consortium

The main scope of the workshop is to provide information needed at the RISEN system design by:

  • presenting real case studies 
  • supporting the understanding of the state of the art of the art of the forensic trace qualification;
  • providing user requirements for in-situ crime scene investigation;
  • to support the identification of gaps (training, procedures, standards, safety).
The European Commission's Cordis website

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 883116.

For administrative and contractual information visit the European Commission's Cordis website.
